EDM diffusion models - a Jupyter implementation, and how they are implemented in practice

1. Introduction

I wrote a self-contained implementation of NVIDIA's EDM in a Jupyter notebook. You may find it useful for the following reasons:

  • You want to explore diffusion models on toy datasets (why? Because toy datasets train fast and require little compute);
  • You want to understand diffusion models from a more fundamental perspective (toy datasets are great for that) (also see Ali Rahimi's NeurIPS '17 talk on why simple toy experiments are great);
  • You want to try out new schedulers which fit under the particular framework proposed by EDM (e.g. defining novel parameterisations of \(\sigma(t)\) and \(s(t)\)).
  • You want a "full" implementation of the general algorithms, i.e. being able to arbitrarily specify \(\sigma(t)\) and \(s(t)\). (The original repo hardcodes those parameterisations.)
  • You want to generate fun mp4's showing the diffusion trajectory of a 1D dataset (like below).

You can find the code here.

EDM trained on a bimodal Gaussian dataset. Here we see the diffusion trajectory from t=100 (prior distribution) to t=0 (data distribution).

The notebook itself is self-contained and makes no reference to this blog post, however the following information may be useful to you if you want to know more about how EDM's algorithms are implemented for two major open source diffusion projects (diffusers and ComfyUI, the latter of which uses k-diffusion).

2. Schedulers

A particular class of scheduler algorithms implemented by k-diffusion (and by extension, ComfyUI and HuggingFace' diffusers) have rather opaque names because they don't clearly reflect their origins, nor are they complete implementations of the original algorithms from which they were derived. These algorithms are actually based on the "Algorithms 1 & 2" proposed in NVIDIA's EDM [1]. Essentially, they are the deterministic and stochastic variants (respectively) of an ODE, one which was designed to encapsulate all of the different diffusion model variants used at the time. That ODE has the following form:

\begin{align} \label{org75fa97a} \dd x & = \Big[ \frac{\dot{s}(t)}{s(t)}x - s(t)^{2} \dot{\sigma}(t) \sigma(t) \nabla_{x} \log p\big(x/s(t); \sigma(t)\big) \Big] \dd t, \end{align}

where: \(s(t)\) is some time-dependent scaling function of the input \(x\); \(\sigma(t)\) is the time dependent noise variable; and \(\dot{s}(t) = \frac{\partial s(t)}{\partial t}\) and \(\dot{\sigma}(t) = \frac{\partial \sigma(t)}{\partial t}\) . Along with other hyperparameters (such as how precisely the timesteps are discretised), this ODE is able to generalise the deterministic components of the sampling algorithms found in other papers.

Relationship between Algorithms 1 & 2 and how they are implemented in k-diffusion and diffusers.

Both algorithms are "somewhat" implemented in the following libraries:

  • k-diffusion, which takes the name sample_heun.
  • diffusers, which takes the name HeunDiscreteScheduler;
  • Both have more computationally efficient variants (i.e. without the second order steps) called sample_euler and EulerDiscreteScheduler, respectively;
  • but there are differences to the original paper and sometimes the implementations are not complete (in the case of diffusers).

The way Algorithm 1 is presented in the EDM paper [1] is "general" since it assumes no particular \(\sigma(t)\) and \(s(t)\) (see Figure 2). In terms of how they are implemented in practice:

  • In k-diffusion it's called sample_heun, but only if we pass \(\gamma = 0\) into the function so that the stochastic part (the noise injection component proposed by Alg. 2) disappears. Also it's assumed \(\sigma(t)=t\) and \(s(t)=1\), so it's not the general form of the algorithm as shown in Fig. 2.
  • In diffusers it's called HeunDiscreteScheduler. Also it's the same parameterisation as k-diffusion, but \(\gamma = 0\) is only supported (as of 21/06/2024) which means that it literally does turn into Algorithm 1. (The reason for only supporting \(\gamma = 0\) seems to stem from the awkwardness of the fact that the the U-Net backbones in diffusers require discrete indices to be passed to the forward method instead of continuous values, which means one would have to back-calculate the appropriate "timestep" from \(\hat{\sigma}\).)

Algorithm 2 in [1] is basically a stochastic variant of Algorithm 1, but the paper does not present the general form of the algorithm. Rather, it assumes \(\sigma(t) = t\) and \(s(t) = 1\) (see Figure 2). In terms of code:

  • k-diffusion implements it with that specific choice of \(\sigma(t)=t\) and \(s(t)=t\).
  • For diffusers, HeunDiscreteScheduler does not support \(\gamma > 0\) yet and so there is no support for Algorithm 2 per se. However, EulerDiscreteScheduler does (confusingly).
  • While the specific choices of \(\sigma(t)\) and \(s(t)\) are well justified (they perform the best empirically), having the more general forms of the algorithms would open them up to exploring different forms of the general ODE.

Quite frankly, I'm not the biggest fan of these scheduler names because they don't reflect the fact they are EDM-specific algorithms (even if the attribution is there in the docstrings). Why can't we simply just implement one mega-algorithm called edm_sampler and allow the option for a use_second_order flag as well as gamma so that it encapsulates everything? Or at least use class names like edm_deterministic_sampler, edm_stochastic_sampler, etc. I suppose the reason whh they are named so "generically" (for lack of a better term) is that the general-form ODE proposed by EDM really does encompass (as of time of writing) "more or less" all of the diffusion variants commonly used. Therefore, to just give it a name like "{Euler,Heun}DiscreteScheduker" is not unreasonable.

Lastly, there is one additional algorithm which shares the same naming convention as the others but really has nothing to do with the EDM paper. This is the "ancestral sampling algorithm" based off Jonathon Ho's DDPM paper [2]. In diffusers it's called EulerAncestralDiscreteSampler (see here) and in k-diffusers it's called sample_euler_ancestral (see here). More info on that is in Sec. 2.1.

Algorithm 1 from EDM. Here the sigma and scaling functions remain arbitrary.

Algorithm 2 from EDM. Here we can see a specific parameterisation for the sigma and scaling functions. Otherwise, the general form of this algorithm should match Algorithm 1 on top of the stochastic component.

2.1. Ancestral sampler

Both k-diffusion and diffusers have a version of the Euler-based version of Algorithm 2. To make matters even more confusing, the sample_euler_ancestral algorithm is basically the Euler variant of Algorithm 2 but with the EDM-specific noise injection mechanism cut out in favour of ancestral sampling. Ancestral sampling is detailed in Appendix F of the continuous-time score matching paper from Song et al. [3]. The update rule for this is:

\begin{align} x_{i+1} & = x_i + (\sigma_{i+1}^2 - \sigma_{i}^2) s_{\theta}(x_i, \sigma_i) + \sqrt{\frac{\sigma_{i+1}^2(\sigma_{i}^{2}-\sigma_{i+1}^2)}{\sigma_i^2}}z_i \\ & = x_i + (\sigma_{i+1}^2 - \sigma_{i}^2) s_{\theta}(x_i, \sigma_i) + \frac{\sigma_{i+1}}{\sigma_i} \sqrt{\sigma_i^2 - \sigma_{i+1}^2} z_i, \end{align}

where \(s_{\theta}(x, \sigma) = (x - D(x; \sigma) / \sigma^2\) and \(z_i \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \mathbf{I})\). (Unlike in [3], I am being consistent with the rest of this post by denoting \(\sigma_0\) as the highest noise scale as \(\sigma_{T-1}\) as the smallest.)

This equation can basically be seen as doing the ODE step (the first two terms on the RHS) but then injecting noise \(\sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigmaup)\). For reasons not clear to me yet, this is not the exact same as what's implemented in k-diffusion (see here and here), which implements something seemingly a lot more complicated:

\begin{align} x_{i+1} = x_i + (\sigmadown - \sigma_{i}) s_{\theta}(x_i, \sigma_i) + \underbrace{\text{min}\Big(\frac{\sigma_{i+1}}{\sigma_i} \sqrt{\sigma_i^2 - \sigma_{i+1}^2}, \sigma_{i+1}\Big)}_{\sigmaup} z_i, \end{align}

and \(\sigmadown = \sqrt{\sigma_{i+1}^2 - \sigmaup^2}\). (I've also redefined \(\sigmaup\) here to also include the min.) (If anyone knows more about this, please reach out so I can update this post.)

3. Conclusion

In conclusion, I have shared a Jupyter implementation of EDM on toy datasets, as well as elucidate (pun intended) some of the opaque naming conventions used in the practical implementations which implement EDM's algorithms.


T. Karras, M. Aittala, T. Aila, and S. Laine, “Elucidating the design space of diffusion-based generative models,” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol. 35, pp. 26565–26577, 2022.
J. Ho, A. Jain, and P. Abbeel, “Denoising diffusion probabilistic models,” Advances in neural information processing systems, vol. 33, pp. 6840–6851, 2020.
Y. Song, J. Sohl-Dickstein, D. P. Kingma, A. Kumar, S. Ermon, and B. Poole, “Score-based generative modeling through stochastic differential equations,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.13456, 2020.